2025 CSE-IT User Training Registration

Registration for this session has now closed. 

Please reach out to us at practice@tnoys.org to find out about our upcoming sessions!

The CSE-IT is a research-based screening tool that helps improve early identification of commercially sexually exploited youth (CSEY). The tool is appropriate for use by any provider serving youth, including child welfare workers, probation officers, mental health clinicians, and first responders. In Texas, CSE-IT is integrated within Lighthouse, an innovative software platform that enables users to complete screenings online and access and analyze CSE-IT data at any time. In this training, participants will become certified CSE-IT users and learn next steps to access and use the Lighthouse platform.

Participants who complete the full training will earn 3.5 continuing education credit hours and a CSE-IT User Training certification. 

Becoming a TNOYS member gets you access to member benefits such as free/discounted trainings and Annual Conference registration, access to the TNOYS Member Portal and member committees, and more! Learn more and apply for membership on our website or email membership@tnoys.org with any questions.

This form may be used to register up to 10 individuals. If you would like to register more, please reach out to us at membership@tnoys.org.
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Registrant Information

CSE-IT Training Pre-Survey