Speaker Recommendation Portal for the 2025 International Drug Policy Reform Conference

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The International Drug Policy Reform Conference is the premier gathering of the growing and dynamic drug policy reform movement. Every other year, the Drug Policy Alliance hosts this event, bringing together people working on the full range of drug policy issues from across the United States and around the world to listen, learn, and strategize. 

In 2025, the conference will take place in Detroit, Michigan from November 12-15. 

Learn more about the conference here:

We'd like your input! Tell us who you'd like to see speak on a session at the Reform Conference! Who are the smartest, most dynamic experts and advocates doing great drug policy reform and harm reduction work? An "expert" is not just someone with an advanced degree, or in a senior position at their organization, or who works at a big non-profit, but also someone with living/lived experience, who does on-the-ground community work, who is generally passionate about ending the war on drugs. 

The Reform Conference program - three full days of breakout sessions, plenaries, etc. - is curated internally by Drug Policy Alliance staff, and there is no open abstract process, but w
e do invite around 200 experts and advocates from around the world to speak on our sessions at each conference. Who should we invite? We are looking for folks who can speak about the following drug policy reform issue areas:

  • Civil systems reform
  • Criminal legal and policing reform
  • Drug markets and legal regulation
  • Drug theory and research
  • Federal drug policy issues
  • Health and harm reduction
  • International drug policy issues
  • Movement building and organizing

You can read more about all of DPA's key issue areas here: https://drugpolicy.org/issues/ 

You can submit this form for yourself or on behalf of someone else. Deadline to submit recommendations: Friday, April 4th 
Contact Information

Please share your contact information as the person submitting this form.

Speaker Contact Information

Please share the contact information for the person you are recommending as a speaker for the Reform Conference (can also be yourself).

Speaker Demographic Information

For each conference, we make an effort to ensure that our speakers reflect the diversity of the movement. We ask that you share with us how you self-identify.

If you are submitting this form for someone else, please answer the below questions to the best of your knowledge.

Expertise and Bio Information

Please let us know what drug policy reform topics you or the person you are recommending are able to speak to. 

Below there is a drop down that lists the issues we prioritize discussing at the Reform Conference. There is also a space to add additional topics not captured in the drop down list if you need it. 

You can read more about all of DPA's key issue areas here: 