This course will meet online on March 13, 20, & 27 (7:00-8:30p).

Suicide rates have consistently risen in the U.S. over the past two decades, with young people (ages 10-18) as a particularly high-risk age group. The good news is that parents and those working with youth are perfectly positioned to meet this risk head-on.

Join The Keep/Watch Project for three evening Zoom sessions that will equip you to understand the history and risk factors around suicide, identify young people at risk, intervene as needed, and provide informed care.

Each class is led by Holle Tubbs and Dr. Mary Chase Mize, co-authors of Keep/Watch: Suicide, Christ & Community
All are welcome. This course is designed for parents/guardians or those working with children and teenagers. The training fee is $75/participant. (Financial aid is available if needed.)



The cost of this training is $75/participant. Financial assistance is available.

Please email htubbs@episcopalatlanta.org if you have questions or trouble registering.