Volunteer Application | English

Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering with Adelante Mujeres! To join our volunteer family, please complete the form below.
Contact Information

Demographic Information
You may optionally provide the following information. It is used only to help us get a better idea of the demographic make-up of our volunteers.
Volunteer Details
Please select which Adelante Mujeres program you are interested in volunteering with. Select as many as apply (CTRL).

Please indicate the days and times you are usually available to volunteer. Please add any other information about your availability in the text box below. 

Emergency Contact

Additional Information
Please let us know if you need any special accommodations and/or have any disabilities you would like us to know about.

Any other information you would like to share with u can be written here.

Waiver and Release of Liability

The volunteer listed above releases and agrees not to hold liable the Adelante Mujeres organization and its affiliates from all present and future claims that may arise as a result of participation as a volunteerI further indemnify and hold the organization harmless. 

I understand and agree that Adelante Mujeres is not responsible for any injury or property damage arising from volunteer participation. This includes injuries and losses caused by ordinary negligence or otherwise.  

I understand that participation in the Volunteer Activities involves certain risks, including, but not limited to, serious injury and death.  

 I understand that this document is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the state in which activities take place. It is further agreed that if any portion of this document is invalid, the remainder will continue in full legal force and effect.  

I also acknowledge that Adelante Mujeres volunteers are not covered by Workers Compensation insurance.  

I represent that, to my knowledge, am capable of performing the volunteer role I have selected. I will notify the staff if I require task modifications or support. I will also seek proper training before using any tools or equipment.  

BY SELECTING 'I AGREE'   I am freely signing this agreement. I have read this form and understand that by selecting 'I Agree" I am signing this form and thus giving up legal rights and remedies. 

If under 18 years of age: 

BY SELECTING 'I AGREE'  I attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the Volunteer. I am of legal age and am freely signing this agreement. I have read this form and understand that by selecting 'I Agree" I am signing this form and thus giving up legal rights and remedies.