Assistance Request for:ITQ Form

The person responsible for this form has provided the following contact information:

Kinergy Contact Details.
Address: Mary Carpenter House, Britannia Rd, Kingswood, Avon, Bristol BS15 8DB
Phone: 0117 908 7712

Kinergy Privacy Notice.
Kinergy takes your privacy very seriously and we want everyone to be clear how personal information is used and stored. All staff, volunteers and trustees adhere to strict confidentiality regarding all personal information.
Please note that whilst we do everything we can to ensure the safety of your information, is not a secure e-mail address and as such we cannot guarantee confidentiality.

Information we collect from you and sharing with third party.
Notes of counselling sessions and other clinical notes are held to facilitate the therapeutic process and/or to support funding aims and/or research goals. Only essential details will be recorded and they will be stored securely. Any information used for statistical or reporting purposes will be completely anonymised. No information will be shared with a third party outside of Kinergy without written consent from the relevant person.The exception to this is when a child or adult is at risk of harm, or if there is a court order or other legal requirement to share.

Retention and your rights to access, update or delete your information.
We store relevant personal information in line with data protection laws and will be retained for 7 years or as long as required following a case-by-case review. It will then be safely destroyed. For more information, please visit:
You can request to access information held about you, amend it if there are inaccuracies, or, if it is not a legal requirement to keep it, ask to have it deleted.
For full details on how to access your data or to give any feedback on how we are performing, please contact Kinergy on our details below.
If you feel we are not processing your information fairly and lawfully, you can report a concern to the Information Commissioners Office: