Jessie Rees Foundation Volunteer Waiver


Volunteer Information

Release (Must be Completed by a Parent or Guardian if the volunteer is under the age of 18.

Parent Information
Must be completed for volunteers who are under the age of 18

Emergency Contact Information

Liability Release

As a condition to permitting Volunteer to engage in the Activities, JRF requires Volunteer to enter into this Release. Volunteer hereby freely, voluntarily, and without duress executes this Release under the following terms.

In consideration of the JESSIE REES FOUNDATION (the “Foundation”) permitting the undersigned and/or any below referenced child under 18 years of age (the undersigned, with any such child, collectively, the “Participant”) to attend and/or participate in the above‑named event (the “Event”), the undersigned (including on behalf of any below referenced child under 18 years of age) hereby, and for the Participant’s heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and all legal guardians, WAIVES AND RELEASES ANY AND ALL RIGHTS, CLAIMS AND CAUSES OF ACTION OF ANY NATURE, EITHER IN LAW OR EQUITY, that the Participant may have against the Foundation, its directors, officers, employees, agents, chapters, assignees, licensees, volunteers, and cooperating entities, and their respective representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns (the “Released Parties”), whether known or unknown, fixed or contingent, which arise, or may arise hereafter, out of or are in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, connected with or related to the Event (including but not limited to activities connected to the Event), including but not limited to any claims or causes of action FOUNDED IN WHOLE OR IN PART UPON ANY TYPE OF NEGLIGENCE (INCLUDING BOTH ACTIVE AND PASSIVE NEGLIGENCE) OR RESULTING FROM ANY LOSSES, INJURIES OR DAMAGES, COSTS, OR EXPENSES OF ANY NATURE, INCLUDING PROPERTY DAMAGE AND DEATH (collectively, the “Released Claims”), that the Participant may suffer while attending or taking part in the Event.  


The Participant knowingly assumes all risks related to attendance and/or participation in the Event.  THE UNDERSIGNED UNDERSTANDS THAT BY EXECUTION OF THIS RELEASE THE PARTICIPANT IS AGREEING NOT TO SUE any or all of the Released Parties in connection with the Released Claims, and the Participant will have no claim for any losses, injuries or damages arising from, in connection with, or related to the Released Claims, whether known or unknown on the date hereof.  The Participant further waives any insurers’ right to make a claim against a Released Party based on payments by insurers to the Participant or on the Participant’s behalf for any reason.  This means the Participant’s insurers have no rights of subrogation against the Released Parties.


The undersigned further acknowledges that if the Participant drives in his or her own vehicle, or is a passenger in another’s person or entity’s vehicle in connection with the Event, that the Released Parties’ automobile insurance and other insurance does not cover such transportation.  The undersigned also understands that the Released Parties cannot be responsible for assuring the safety and reliability of such transportation or driver, nor for any non-sponsored activities and travel that he or she might choose to participate in before, during or after the Event.  The undersigned therefore accepts, waives, and releases any claims related to or in connection with such private transportation, including, without limitation, the Released Parties’ negligence (including both active and passive negligence) and any other Released Claim.

1. Release and Waiver. Volunteer does hereby release and forever discharge and hold harmless JRF and its successors and assigns from any and all liability, claims, and demands of whatever kind of nature, either in law or in equity, which arise or may hereafter arise, either directly or indirectly, from Volunteer’s Activities with JRF. Volunteer understands and acknowledges that this Release discharges JRF from any liability or claim that Volunteer may have against JRF with respect to any bodily injury, personal injury, illness, death or property damage that may result from Volunteer’s engagement in the Activities with JRF, whether caused by the actions or negligence of JRF or its officers, employees, volunteers, agents or otherwise, and also waives Volunteer’s right to bring suit against such persons. Volunteer also understands that JRF does not assume any responsibility for or obligation to provide financial assistance or other assistance, including but not limited to medical, health, or disability insurance in the event of injury or illness.

Release and Waiver Relating to COVID-19. Volunteer understands that JRF has put in place preventive measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, JRF cannot guarantee that Volunteer will not become infected with COVID-19 while engaging in the Activities. Volunteer understands and acknowledges that volunteering on-site at JRF properties or locations could increase his or her risk of contracting COVID-19. Without limiting the release above, Volunteer does hereby release and forever discharge and hold harmless JRF and its successors and assigns and waives Volunteer’s right to bring suit against JRF and its officers, employees, volunteers, agents, or other representatives in connection with exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID-19 related to Volunteer’s engagement in the Activities.

2. Medical Treatment. Volunteer does hereby release and forever discharge JRF from any claim whatever which arises or may hereafter arise on account of any first aid treatment or service rendered in connection with Volunteer’s engagement in the Activities or any decision by any representative or agent of JRF to exercise or not exercise the power to consent to medical or dental treatment, as such power was granted and authorized by Volunteer in the Parental Authorization for Treatment of a Minor Child, a copy of which was provided to Volunteer and that Volunteer hereby acknowledges having received, read, understood and agreed.

3. Assumption of Risk. Volunteer understands that engagement in the Activities may include physical activity, work and events that may be hazardous to Volunteer including, but not limited to, lifting of boxes over 30 pounds, loading/unloading of vehicles and assisting at special events. Volunteer hereby expressly and specifically assumes the risk of injury, harm, illness, death and property damage resulting from these and other Activities associated with the Volunteer’s engagement in the Activities.

4. Insurance. Volunteer understands that, except as otherwise separately agreed to by JRF in writing, JRF does not carry or maintain health, medical, or disability insurance coverage for any volunteer, including Volunteer. Volunteer is expected and encouraged to obtain his or her own medical or health insurance coverage.

5. Photographic Release. Volunteer hereby grants and conveys unto JRF the right to freely reproduce and/or circulate any photographs or other recordings of Volunteer while Volunteer is engaged in the Activities or otherwise on JRF property or locations or attending JRF events for any lawful purpose. Volunteer shall not be entitled to any compensation therefor, including, but not limited to, any royalties, proceeds, or other benefits derived from such photographs or recordings.

6. Recognition of Nonemployment. Volunteer acknowledges that he or she desires to provide volunteer services for JRF and engage in the Activities. Volunteer undertakes to engage in such Activities as a volunteer without compensation, and acknowledges that, in engaging in such Activities, Volunteer is not acting as an employee of JRF. Volunteer further understands and acknowledges that no employment relationship is created between Volunteer and JRF due to Volunteer’s engagement in the Activities.

7. Other. Volunteer expressly agrees that this Release shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to any conflicts of law provisions. Volunteer agrees that this Release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of California. Finally, Volunteer agrees that, in the event that any clause or provision of this Release is deemed invalid, the enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Release shall not be affected.