Photo Waiver, Release and Consent

Thank you for sharing your photo(s) with us so we can show others the smiles and impact.
Release Information

Your Child's Information and Photo Upload


In consideration of the JESSIE REES FOUNDATION I hereby, and for (my) (my child’s) heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and all legal guardians, WAIVE AND RELEASE ANY AND ALL RIGHTS AND CLAIMS OF ANY NATURE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE FOUNDED IN WHOLE OR IN PART UPON ANY TYPE OF NEGLIGENCE, that (I) (my child listed below) may have against the JESSIE REES FOUNDATION, its directors, officers, employees, agents, chapters, assignees, licensees, volunteers, and cooperating entities, their representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS MEANS THAT I AGREE NOT TO SUE any or all of the Released Parties. 


Consent also is hereby given to distribute, publish, exhibit, digitize, broadcast, display, reproduce, photograph, videotape or otherwise use (my)(my child’s) name, picture, portrait, likeness, writings or biographical information (including, if applicable, disease diagnosis), and audiotape and/or videotape recordings and sound or silent motion pictures of (me)(my child) in any manner or media whatsoever anywhere in the world in perpetuity for any lawful purpose whatsoever, including without limitation, for editorial, educational, promotional, and advertising purposes, for the solicitation of contributions, as evidence in litigation, and for any other purpose in furtherance of the corporate purposes and objectives of the JESSIE REES FOUNDATION. I (I, on behalf of my child) further agree that the JESSIE REES FOUNDATION shall be the exclusive owner of all copyright and other rights in such media. 

Finally, I (I, on behalf of my child) agree that I will not seek at any time to receive any financial benefit or compensation in connection with such media. By agreeing to this this document, I certify that I have read this document and fully understand it, and that I am not relying on any statements or representations of any Released Party. This document shall be binding upon me, (my)(my child’s) heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and all legal guardians (of my child).