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Page 1

Report Form Header

Colorado's Human Trafficking Hotline Conversation Report Form

For texters, this is the number of conversations you had with an individual, not the number of text messages exchanged. Most text conversations = 1.

Please include AM or PM and do not use Military Time. For text conversations, start time is the time of the first text sent.

Please include AM or PM and do not use Military Time. For text conversations, end time is the time of the last message sent by texter.

Additional Calls / Texts

Page 2

Call/Text Information

When relevant, please utilize this exact language to describe the following: Not applicable = NA, Callers who do not want to share = Prefer not to disclose; Did not have the opportunity to ask = Unknown

Please use CTRL + Click OR Command + Click to select all that apply

If asking this question (rather than filling it in from context clues) please use gentle language: "Do you identify as..."

Within the context of this conversation, what is the primary role of the person calling?

Check yes only if you contacted Backup to report a tip or ask a question/seek support. Not relevant for each time you notify them of a call received.

Please note: just because they give permission for a call back does not guarantee they will receive one from LCHT or from Law Enforcement. You CAN always guarantee a caller that Staff will review the call notes.

Recall, we cannot dictate how law enforcement will identify themselves.

Page 3

Survivor ID Section

Please use CTRL + Click OR Command + Click to select all that apply

If asking this question (rather than filling it in from context clues) please use gentle language: "Do you identify as..."

Please use CTRL + Click OR Command + Click to select all that apply

Page 4

Caller/Texter Needs

Consult the digital resource manual to familiarize yourself on how and when to try to offer this.