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As the leader of a College and Career Readiness School Model (CCRSM) campus serving students through the T-STEM model we invite you to complete the following Self-Assessment survey. We ask that the campus principal or program leader complete the survey. All information provided will be considered confidential, to the extent required by the law, and will only be used to improve service and support to your campus. If your campus offers more than one CCRSM model, we do ask that you complete the appropriate survey for each model that you are currently implementing.

Your participation in this survey is important, as it enables TEA and our technical assistance provider to target technical assistance and support based on your campus’s individual and/or regional needs and preferred methods for receiving support. The survey will also help identify best practices to share across the network. We appreciate your time and look forward to celebrating your successes. 

The CCRSM Team at TEA

Campus Assessment Details
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Please answer the questions below for each of the 6 T-STEM blueprint benchmarks.

   Benchmark 1: School Design
The T-STEM academy must provide a STEM focused program serving students in grades 6-12 or grades 9-12 with an active relationship with the feeder middle school(s). 

The T-STEM shall establish a leadership team that includes high-level personnel with decision-making authority who meet regularly and report to each organization. The leadership team shall include and meet regularly—in person and/or virtually—with the leaders from the district, IHE, and business/industry who have decision-making authority.

The T-STEM shall implement an annual professional development plan for teachers and staff using research-based instructional strategies that focus on rigor, build college and career readiness, are based on needs assessment of student data, and includes both high school and dual credit teachers. 

The T-STEM shall offer STEM activities both inside and outside the classroom for all students.

The T-STEM academy students shall be cohorted into core classes to the extent possible; this does not exclude non-T-STEM students from enrolling in the same class.

The T-STEM academy shall be offered at no cost to students.

1. Identify up to three activities/products you feel are strengths for your campus with regard to Benchmark 1, if any (select "None" if none).

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   Benchmark 2: Target Population
The T-STEM academy shall serve, or include plans to scale up to serve, students in grades 6-12 or 9-12, and shall target and enroll students who are at risk of dropping out of school as defined by the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) and who might not otherwise go to college.

1. Identify up to three activities/products you feel are strengths for your campus with regard to Benchmark 2, if any (select "None" if none).

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   Benchmark 3: Strategic Alliances
Strategic partnerships with business and industry partners and Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) are formally articulated in writing and clearly define a variety of STEM careers.

1. Identify up to three activities/products you feel are strengths for your campus with regard to Benchmark 3, if any (select "None" if none).

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   Benchmark 4: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
The T-STEM academy shall provide a rigorous course of study that enables students to receive a high school diploma and complete industry certifications, work-based learning experiences, and/or early college credit during grades 9-12.

The T-STEM academy shall work with the local workforce development board to identify, create and maintain a list of high-demand occupations and programs of study that lead to these occupations to be used as a resource in creating structured pathways for students and updated as local needs change.

The T-STEM academy shall establish one or more STEM pathways, and plans are underway for sequencing additional courses for STEM students. Course pathways are informed by regional and state workforce and economic development needs and contribute to students earning credentials and certifications that prepare them for high-wage, high-demand, high-skill STEM fields.

The T-STEM academy shall provide a course of study that enables participating students the opportunity to complete high school graduation requirements and earn an industry certification or credential in a STEM focused field.

The T-STEM academy shall implement a biannual structured data review process to develop individual instructional support plans.
The T-STEM academy shall provide SAT/ACT preparation and TSIA, fee waiver, preparation, and intervention for all students.

1. Identify up to three activities/products you feel are strengths for your campus with regard to Benchmark 4, if any (select "None" if none).

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   Benchmark 5: Work-Based Learning
The T-STEM academy must offer students a variety of relevant, high-skill work-based learning experiences
at every grade level that respond to student interest and regional employer needs contributing to students
earning STEM-focused industry certifications and credentials.

1. Identify up to three activities/products you feel are strengths for your campus with regard to Benchmark 5, if any (select "None" if none).

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   Benchmark 6: Student Support
The T-STEM academy will provide wrap-around strategies and services involving multiple stakeholders (parents, teachers, counselors, community members, etc.) to strengthen both the academic and technical skills necessary for high school and college readiness, as well as provide academic, technical, and individual support for students to be successful in rigorous academic and work-based learning experiences.

1. Identify up to three activities/products you feel are strengths for your campus with regard to Benchmark 6, if any (select "None" if none).

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   1. What is your status for each Access OBM indicator?
I haven't reviewed my data for this indicator and would like coaching assistance.  I've reviewed my data for this indicator and would like coaching assistance.
I've reviewed my data for this indicator and am comfortable moving forward independently.
   2. What is your status for each Attainment OBM indicator? 
I haven't reviewed my data for this indicator and would like coaching assistance.  I've reviewed my data for this indicator and would like coaching assistance.
I've reviewed my data for this indicator and am comfortable moving forward independently.
   3. What is your status for each Achievement OBM indicator?
I haven't reviewed my data for this indicator and would like coaching assistance.  I've reviewed my data for this indicator and would like coaching assistance.
I've reviewed my data for this indicator and am comfortable moving forward independently.

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1. How much do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree