Co-op Foundation - #iwill 1.0 Year Report 

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Please use this form to tell us about the last 6 months of delivery of your #iwill School Transitions project. Your deadline for submission has been shared with you via email.

If you have any questions at any stage of this process, please contact us at

#iwill lock up

Declaration and consent

The information you provide in this form will be accessed by Co-op Foundation staff. We may also share this information with stakeholders within the #iwill fund, such as The National Lottery Community Fund, DCMS and IFF. We will not pass your details on to any other third parties. You can contact us about your data at any time by emailing or writing to the following address: Co-op Foundation, 1 Angel Square, Manchester, M60 0AG
Background (only update if necessary)

What you did

6) Please tell us about the number of young people directly engaged in your project to date. By 'directly engage’ we mean young people whose level of participation in your activities will allow you to show some evidence of improvements in their lives. Please avoid duplicate counting. Please enter as a numerical value.

b) Of these, how many young people have you directly engaged in youth social action opportunities? Please add the number of young people within each age bracket

7) Please report on the number of young people you’ve engaged to date, who have lived experience of the issues they are seeking to address.

By lived experience, we mean someone who uses their first-hand experience of an issue to create positive change for communities and people who share those experiences. For each strand this could include:
  • #iwill Bereavement: young people have experience of being bereaved
  • #iwill Community Spaces: young people have experience of living in a local area where the projects is based
  • #iwill School Transitions: young people have experience of transitioning from primary to secondary school

8) We’d like to understand how your project is reaching those who need it most. Please tell us the number of young people you’ve engaged in your project to date, who fall within the following ‘underserved’ groups:

The outcomes you've achieved

Direct outcomes

We want to understand how your project has connected and empowered young people through social action. You don’t need to deliver and report against all these outcomes, but we expect to see that your organisation’s work makes a clear, measurable contribution to at least some core outcomes. Where your project has not progressed against a core outcome, please provide a couple of sentences about why.

Please provide evidence for the core outcomes rather than the theme. For example, “the confidence to set meaningful goals” rather than the theme of confidence in general. Please refer to the guidance shared by IFF Research for examples of how each core outcome might be measured. 


10) Please report on your project's progress against core outcomes to date by using the button below.

When completing your outcomes table, please use one row for each core outcome you're reporting on. When completing the 'how you know that the outcome has been achieved' column, please tell us about the specific measure/observation you feel demonstrates the core outcome you're describing.

Upload a table in Microsoft Word or Excel format with the following columns: 

·       Core outcome (from the table above) 

·       What this core outcome means in your project's context 

·       Number of young people who achieved this outcome 

·       Number of 'other' young people who achieved this outcome who weren't directly involved in youth-led advocacy delivery

·       How you know that the specific core outcome has been achieved. Please use the following format:

    1. Evidence type (survey, interviews, observations)
    2. Specific questions asked or name of standardised survey tool
    3. Findings from questions

·       Why not achieved (if applicable)


Example submissions for “How you know the outcome has been achieved” for core outcome “feel they have good-quality relationships based on mutual trust and empathy”. 

These examples are to show the level of detail and structure of submission, rather than prescribing the content of submissions.


Example 1:

Survey data. Using the SDQ prosocial scale. 50% of participants showed improvement on peer/relationship scores and prosocial behaviours scores since July 2021.


Example 2:

Interviews/Observations. Had one-to-one conversations with 5 participants asking about their friendships/relationships. Most participants reported they had made some friends in the group, and that they had friends they could speak to if they had problems and rely upon for support. 

Community outcomes

What you learned



Please email if there are any young people that may be interested in speaking to a researcher from our evaluation partner, IFF, about their experiences on the project so far. Please note, where young people are aged under 16, they would require parental/guardian consent to take part in the research. IFF are able to provide an information leaflet and consent form upon request.