10) Please report on your project's progress
against core outcomes to date by using the button below.
When completing your outcomes table, please use one row for each core
outcome you're reporting on. When completing the 'how you know that the
outcome has been achieved' column, please tell us about the specific
measure/observation you feel demonstrates the core outcome you're describing.
Upload a table in Microsoft Word or Excel format with the following
· Core outcome (from the table above)
· What this core outcome means in your project's
· Number of young people who achieved this
· Number of 'other' young people who achieved this
outcome who weren't directly involved in youth-led advocacy delivery
· How you know that the specific core outcome has
been achieved. Please use the following format:
- Evidence type
(survey, interviews, observations)
- Specific questions
asked or name of standardised survey tool
- Findings from
· Why not achieved (if applicable)
Example submissions for “How you know the outcome has been achieved” for
core outcome “feel they have good-quality relationships based on mutual trust
and empathy”.
These examples are to show the level of detail and structure of
submission, rather than prescribing the content of submissions.
Example 1:
Survey data.
Using the SDQ prosocial scale. 50% of participants showed improvement on
peer/relationship scores and prosocial behaviours scores since July 2021.
Example 2:
Had one-to-one conversations with 5 participants asking about their
friendships/relationships. Most participants reported they had made some
friends in the group, and that they had friends they could speak to if they had
problems and rely upon for support.