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Psychological Services – Additional Health Information

This form is to enable our practitioners to gain a better understanding of your needs and to help you to identify what support might best help.

The form will take about 30 minutes to complete and will ask questions about yourself, any support you may have had in the past, and what support you are in receipt of now. It is important that we understand your current circumstances and your personal goals.

The Fire Fighters Charity operates a non-judgmental approach. It is therefore important that you answer these questions honestly and fully so we can work with you to identify the most appropriate support to meet your needs. The information provided on this form will be treated as confidential, so it is important that you provide as much information as possible that is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge

The Fire Fighters Charity offers a range of different support pathways tailored to meet your individual need. If we cannot meet your needs through the Charity’s services, we will work with you to identify what support is available to you through other organisations.  

Please ensure that you have completed the form in full and take time to read the next steps section. Please note that completing this form does not necessarily mean that you will be offered support. The information on this form helps us assess whether our psychological services can meet your needs, in some situations other support options may be more appropriate.

If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact our team on 0800 389 8820

Please provide your details below (or the name of the person in need of support if you are completing the form on someone else’s behalf):

Personal Details
Enter in the XXXXX XXXXXX format
Enter in the XXXXX XXXXXX format
GP Details

Understanding your needs

It is important that we have a good understanding of how you are feeling now, what you are struggling with, and what strategies you are using to manage your psychological health. It is also essential that we understand your medical history, what support you have received in the past and who is supporting you now. 

Why you have approached the Charity for Support?
Thinking about your reason for accessing support from The Fire Fighters Charity, what are your aims/goals
Please use this section to provide details of your previous medical history.  Please include anything you think is relevant and details of how this impacts your psychological health.
Medication: Prescribed for: Date initially prescribed: Dosage/Frequency:
Please provide further details below including the type of practitioner and their name and contact details:

Please read each statement below and select the response which indicates how often you have felt that way over the last month. Please note – the information in brackets is for office use only and should not affect your response

Each question must be answered.
Not at all Only occasionally Sometimes Often Most or all of the time

Please complete the following Alcohol

Screening form. 

Never Monthly or less 2-4 times per month 2-3 times per week 4+ times per week
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10+
Never Less than monthly Monthly Weekly Daily or almost daily
Your Total Score 
If you have scored 5 or more please complete the following 7 questions. If you have scored less than 5 please go to the next  page. 
Never Less than a monthly Monthly Weekly Daily or almost daily
No Yes, but not in the last year Yes, during the last year
Your Total Scores 

Thank you for completing this form.  The information provided on this form will help our Psychological Services Team understand your needs and identify what support will help you to move forward.

Please read the following statements.

Please note that by submitting this form you confirm that you have read the following statements and understand how your information will be stored and processed and the Charity’s policy on confidentiality.


Confidentiality Policy

The information that our beneficiaries entrust to the Charity will be held in confidence. This confidence will be maintained and applied to any and all records, in accordance with the Data Protection Act, except in the following instances:

·         When a court of law requires information.

·         When there is a risk of harm to self or others. Whenever possible, this will be discussed with you before action is taken.  

·         When a child is at risk of neglect, physical, emotional, psychological or sexual abuse. Whenever possible, this will be discussed with you before action is taken.  

·         At times, in supervision with another colleague, to promote the highest standard of practice, in which case the client’s identity will be protected. 

·         When multidisciplinary team members involved in your care need to be consulted and/or updated on your progress. This is on a need to know basis.

·         When a referring GP or agency requires feedback on attendance. We would not confer with your doctor or an outside agency without your knowledge and permission except in situations associated with risk.


Record Keeping and Data Protection

The Fire Fighters Charity stores beneficiary information securely in our electronic case management system. The Fire Fighters Charity also undergoes auditing to ensure documentation etc. is kept at an appropriate standard.

The Fire Fighters Charity processes personal data in accordance with its Data Protection Policy.  For full details of how the Charity processes your data, please see our Privacy Policy www.firefightercharity.org.uk/privacy

Next Steps

You will be offered an initial assessment with a member of the Psychological Services Team to discuss your psychological needs in more detail. If we feel we need more information or feel that another service may be best suited to meet your needs we will contact you to discuss this further.


Please note. All beneficiaries receiving telephone or online counselling from The Fire Fighters Charity will be required to sign an agreement, this is our contract with you. This agreement outlines our policy on confidentiality, timings for sessions, boundaries, cancellations, missed appointments and complaints. If relevant you will be sent this agreement for completion following your initial assessment.