Project Application

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Dear Lufthansa Group Colleagues,

we are very pleased that you would like to submit a project application to us. Please fill out the application form by September 30th.
If you have any questions when completing the application, please do not hesitate one of the following contact persons at any time:  

Laura Single

Maximilian Zänker

Project Portfolio Manager

Project Portfolio Manager

Please check your personal information and the address and contact details of the organisation. You cannot correct this information yourself at this time - please contact Project Portfolio Management if changes need to be made. 

Thank you! 
Your help alliance Team
Case Information

Information about Applicant

Project Enviroment 

Please insert the DUNS number of the partner organization. You can search for this number on this website: UPIK-Plattform - Dun & Bradstreet ( If you don't find the number, please insert N/A. 

Project Information
We are guided by the Sustainable Development Goals - THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development ( (SDGs), 17 development goals that were defined as part of the 2030 Agenda to enable a more socially, economically and ecologically sustainable global community. In particular, Goal 4, which aims to provide quality education for all, and Goal 8, which aims to ensure decent work and economic growth, are at the heart of our project portfolio. In addition to these two priorities, projects can of course also pursue other goals related to the focus areas, such as gender equality, health and well-being and climate protection measures. Please specify the project focus below:

For multiple selection press Ctrl.

For multiple selection press Ctrl.

For multiple selection press Ctrl.

Child Protection Policy 

Child protection in our projects is very important to us and therefore we put a lot of emphasis on working with projects that are actively engaged in the implementation of child protection. Does the partner organization have a child protection policy they work with?

Project planning and objective

1. What is the initial situation of the project  and the target group (the project background)? 

What problems does the project respond to? Is there already a project history?

2. Please describe the proposed project 

3. What are the main objectives of the project? 

4. What is the intended duration of the help alliance funding for the project? (1 to 3 years)

5.  How many people are expected to benefit from the project?

Number of direct beneficiaries for the total project period.

6. Please describe the impact of the project on the target group at the end of the project period.

7. Please describe the project activities and elaborate on which activties should be funded by help alliance.

8. What skills and knowledge are to be transferred to the target group through the project? 

9. What positive side effects can be created by the project?

10. What steps are planned to be implement the project independent of help alliance funding in the long term? 

       What is your exit strategy?

Project visits & volunteering

Many Lufthansa Group colleagues would like to visit and volunteer in the help alliance projects. 

These questions are about the general possibility for vists, short- or long-term volunteering, ProTeamer assignment, sabbatical, etc. in your project. If and how this is to be organized will be clarified at a later point in time, if necessary. 

11. Where is the nearest LH Group office/station? Which LHG companies are on site?

Where is the nearest LH Group office?

Which LH Group companies are on site?

12. How is it possible to get to the project from Germany ( transportation/Time)?

13. Are project visits possible and desired for interested parties? If so, how many people could visit the project at the same time? How much time must be allowed for travel?

14. Is there a need for volunteer support from LHG staff (both in the project on site but also in the organization of the project)? If so, what tasks can they undertake? 

Is there a need for volunteer support?

This field was taken from the request. This is about volunteering in general. Please check and adapt if necessary.

What specific tasks can volunteers take on?

15. What are the requirements of the project or the partner organization regarding volunteers?

16. Which costs, if any, will be incurred for the volunteers?


17. Please insert the total cost of the proposed project over the entire term, as well as the requested sum of help alliance. (If possible please fill in in EUR)

Indicate amounts without a decimal point or comma and round up to the full amount, without cent amounts

Indicate amounts without a decimal point or comma and round up to the full amount, without cent amounts

If possible please fill in in EUR!

18. Which revenue resources does the organization have (€/%)? 

       Please list all revenue sources (sums and percentages) of the organization. This includes funding partners and a possible own generation of income within the organization (e.g. through the sale of products or activities).

19. What are the revenue resources for the project?

Please list all revenue sources (sums and percentages) with which the project is to be financed. Please also include the requested amount from help alliance.


Project budget

Guideline Budget

Please only insert the costs which will be covered by the help alliance funding. 

The costs are divided in three different categories:

Activities: Costs you will need to conduct the aspired activities in the project. Please mention the amount of items you require for each activity.

Personnel: Please mention the personnel costs that is needed to implement the project activities (e.g. teachers, project directors, staff assistants).

Other Costs: Remember to include costs that might be incurred in addition to the specific activities and personnel costs (e.g. costs for bank transactions).


IMPORTANT: The total sum of the budget needs to equal the requested sum!

If possible please fill in in EUR! 
Year Budget Category Description Unit Unit Text Unit Price Currency Quantity Total Price

Notice: This field must be zero. If there is an negative amount you spent more then your requested fund.

Project Logframe 



Impact: Please phrase only one overall objective (Please use the below discribed categories for phrasing your impact)


·       Importance of education is strengthened in region x

·       Increased self-confidence

·       Relationship between parents and children is strengthened

·       Strengthened social skills


Decent Work and Economic Growth:

·       Reduction of the informal working

·       Men and women work in gender unusual jobs (Gender  Perspective )


Outcome: Key question: How are the capacities created by the project (structures, products, goods, services or skills) used by the target group? How is the life situation of the target group changing?


Output: Key question: Which capacities (structures, products, goods, services or skills) are developed / strengthened through the project among the target groups?

Activities: Key question: What activities need to be undertaken to produce the outputs?

Activities are defined by using an action Verb in present tense to explain the tasks that will be undertaken. The activities are linked to specific outputs and define specific tasks (like a To-Do List).

Input: Key question: What resources are needed to conduct the aspired activities in order to achieve the output?

Please mention the material, funds, personal and further resources that are needed to implement the project.



·       Indicators should be as "SMART" as possible:

·       (S)pecific: concrete and clear the targeted situation

·       (M)easurable: can be measured with a minimum use of resources

·       (A)dequate: based on the needs of the target group

·       (R)elevant: essential for solving the identified problems

·       (T)erminable: can be achieved by the end of the project period


Indicators (Current Situation): What is the current situation?

Indicators (Targeted situation): How can you tell at the end of the project that the project goal has been achieved?


Please insert the following logframe

"Important note: Please click on "Add another response" for each project input, project activity, output and outcome and add every one of them separately."
Measurement Type Description Indicators Current Situation Indicators Target Situation