Impact: Please phrase only one overall objective (Please use the below discribed
categories for phrasing your impact)
of education is strengthened in region x
Increased self-confidence
between parents and children is strengthened
· Strengthened
social skills
Decent Work and Economic Growth:
· Reduction
of the informal working
and women work in gender unusual jobs (Gender
Perspective )
Outcome: Key question: How are the capacities created by the project
(structures, products, goods, services or skills) used by the target group? How
is the life situation of the target group changing?
Output: Key question: Which capacities (structures, products, goods, services
or skills) are developed / strengthened through the project among the target
Activities: Key question: What activities need to be undertaken to produce the outputs?
Activities are defined by using an action Verb in present tense to explain the tasks that will be undertaken. The activities are linked to specific outputs and define specific tasks (like a To-Do List).
Input: Key question: What resources are needed to conduct the aspired activities in order to achieve the output?
Please mention the material, funds, personal and further resources that are needed to implement the project.
should be as "SMART" as possible:
concrete and clear the targeted situation
can be measured with a minimum use of resources
based on the needs of the target group
essential for solving the identified problems
can be achieved by the end of the project period
Indicators (Current Situation): What is the current situation?
Indicators (Targeted situation): How can you tell at the end of the project that
the project goal has been achieved?