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Transitional Funding Logos

test 9

test 14

Section A: Promoter & Project Details 

 Primary Contact Details 

Main contact postal Address (if different to project address)
Classification of Promoter
NOTE: Public bodies are not eligible for LEADER Funding

Select appropriate option

Proof of Sufficient Insurance for Proposed Project
Where possible, submit a copy of your current insurance policy. Please supply evidence to support that project elements can be insured at the end of the project.

For new projects, evidence of insurance confirmation must be provided. This can be in the form of a confirmation letter from an insurance company stating that they can insure the proposed project items (damage/loss/public liability where applicable) and the proposed cost of such insurance.
Project Type
Type of Grant Aid Sought
Planning Permission
Legal Entitlement
Project Description
Project Timelines

If the project is approved, when do you think the project will start and finish? (Please be realistic)

Section B: Registration Details of Promoter

Registration Details of Promoter
Please provide relevant registration numbers for your community group, organisation or business below
VAT Registration
Where funding is to be paid in respect of non-recoverable VAT, the promoter must provide up to date written confirmation from the Revenue Commissioners that the promoter is not VAT registered. 
Please ensure you save your Application Form as you go through it

Section C: General Project Information

Promoter Skills & Qualifications
Environmental and Climate Change Impacts
Heritage Impacts

Section D: Financials & Previous Funding (De Minimis Declaration)

Actual Project Costs:

Please provide a detailed financial breakdown of all elements of the project from the figures provided in your tender report / most competitive quotes / schedules for voluntary labour / contribution in kind etc. and valuations for donations.

Note: All applicants must complete the individual project item cost in the table below.


Nature of Contract/ Goods/ Item/Donations/Voluntary Labour Supplier/Contractor Cost excluding VAT (€) Cost  including VAT (€)
Funding Level
Sources of Funding:

Please provide details of Funding Sources. Please note if you are registered for VAT, the below costs must be related to EX VAT costs as you can reclaim the VAT and you therefore cannot be funded on it. 

If you are not registered for VAT, please include the values including VAT. 

Total Cost of Project below show be the same as either total cost above ex VAT or inclusive of VAT.

Value (€) Percentage of Cost (%)
LEADER Programme
Donation of Property (where applicable)
Voluntary Labour (where applicable)
Own resources - Cash/savings in account
Own resources: Loans/Bridging Finance
Other: Public Funds from Non EU Source (e.g. Local Authority, Fáilte Ireland, etc.) 
Total cost of project

Note: The percentage received will determine the procurement process to be followed.

Phased Payments
Previous Funding

De Minimis Declaration

The aid being sought is provided under the European Commission Regulation on De minimis aid. Small amounts of State aid, up to €200,000 in any three-year period to any one enterprise, are regarded as too small to significantly affect trade or competition in the common market. Such amounts are regarded as falling outside the category of State aid that is precluded by the EC Treaty and can be awarded without notification to or clearance by the European Commission. A Member State is required to have a mechanism to track such aid (called 'De minimis aid') and to ensure that the combined amount of De minimis aid payments from all sources to one enterprise in any three-year period respects the €200,000 ceiling. 

Please provide details below of all other De Minimis aid which has been granted to you/your group/your business (i.e. the promoter) within the past three years. The default position for all applicants will be that any public funding is from a de minimis source unless confirmed otherwise. It should be noted that a false declaration by a company resulting in the threshold of €200,000 being exceeded could later give rise to the aid being recovered with interest.

If a project involves economic activity, then the applicant will have to declare whether he/she/the business/group has or has not received State Aid.  Leitrim Development Company must carry out De Minimis checks on all projects involving or relating to economic activity.   

*e.g. European Programmes, County Council, County Enterprise Board, Fáilte Ireland, Regional Tourism Organisation, National Lottery, Bord Bia, /DSP/Solas/SEAI, Teagasc, Heritage Council, other Semi-State Agencies, Government Departments, Local Development Company.

Please provide the following details
Previous Project Funding

*e.g. European Programmes, County Council, County Enterprise Board, Fáilte Ireland, Regional Tourism Organisation, National Lottery, Bord Bia, /DSP/Solas/SEAI, Teagasc, Heritage Council, other Semi-State Agencies, Government Departments, Local Development Company.

If another organisation (other than the applicant) has received public funding for this project, please include details below;
Current or Pending Funding Approvals
If you have applied elsewhere for funding for this project, include details. If approval is pending, please provide expected decision date
False Declarations & Debt

Section E: Enterprise Projects 

Revenue Generation 
Existing Enterprise

If applying as an existing business, please confirm the Annual Turnover and Balance Sheet Total:

Reference Accounts and provide copies for previous three years.
Financial Projections
Year Projected Income(€) Projected  Expenditure (€) Net Income (€)
Note: For economic projects, these details should match the Income/Expenditure Profile in the Business Plan

Section F: Job Creation

Creating or Sustaining Jobs 
Existing Jobs  

Please specify number of persons currently employed (if facility/service/business already exists) Please enter 0 if this is a new enterprise.

*FTE = Full Time Equivalent

E.g. If you have 2 part time workers working 2.5 days a week,  (2 workers x 2.5 days = 5 days a week = Total Number FTE: is 1 
Impact on Employment 
New Jobs  

To what extent will the proposed project help to create jobs (Anticipated Jobs created)?

*FTE = Full Time Equivalent

E.g. If you are proposing to have 2 part time workers working 2.5 days a week,  (2 workers x 2.5 days = 5 days a week = Total Number FTE: is 1 

Section G: Training, Analysis and Development & Marketing (For Training, A&D and Marketing projects only)

Training Course Details:
A&D Details:
Marketing/Promotion Details:

Appendix A: Upload Files Required 

Grant Approval will not be made without consideration of all appropriate documentation relevant to your project

Required Information to be uploaded for All Projects

Applications will not be considered unless all the following are uploaded, Please tick all that are relevant to your project and upload below

Construction Related Projects 
Business/Community/Project Plan
Classification of Promoter
Financial Accounts
Private Match Funding
Bridging Finance/Loan
VAT Registration
Construction Related Projects
Planning Permission
Owned Land/Building/Property
It is at the discretion of the Development Officer to determine if sufficient information has been provided to proceed to Evaluation. You will be required to complete a Quotation/Tender Schedule which the Project Officer will email to you once the quotations/tenders submitted as part of your Application are reviewed by them.

Other documentation may also be required once the Project Officer reviews your application, they will contact you in relation to this.

If you start work before we send you a formal Letter of Offer, you will not qualify for financial assistance. 
Please note that submission of an Application for Funding is not a guarantee of grant funding.

Personal Data

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The information made available in this form may be available to other departments/And or Agencies for the purpose of preventing or detecting Crime.