Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute Nominator Form
Nominator Information
Nominator First Name
Nominator Last Name
Nominator Email
Nominator Title/Position
Nominator organization (If applicable)
Nominator address (if applicable)
Mailing Street
Zip Code
Applicant First Name
Applicant Last Name
Targeted board, commission, and committee list 2023-2024
Priority board, commission, or committee targeted for applicant:
Additional board, commission, or committee targeted for applicant:
Relationship of applicant to nominator:
Please select...
Board Member
Please indicate what types of support, if any, your organization or you as a nominator are willing to provide the applicant once they are seated (check all that apply):
Regularly scheduled check‐ins around policy and project topics.
Work space, computer, or other office equipment support.
Release time (if employee) for work on a board or commission that furthers your organization’s mission.
Policy briefings for nominee and other cohort members, as appropriate.
Upload Nomination Letter
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