
Payment Information Form

We are looking forward to working with you! In order to execute payments in a timely and accurate manner, we will need to confirm and request some information from you first. Click Next Page to get started. 

Terms & Conditions

I. Form Completion Requirement 

Upon submission of this form, you hereby certify that the information below is true and correct and understand that any false statements could result in a delayed or voided payment.

Please note that the form information will not save if you exit the form before submitting.  

II. Payment Processing Accuracy & Timing

The United Nations Foundation is unable to process any invoices until the appropriate payment information has been provided below. Once completed, you will be required to verify this information on an annual basis.

III. Security and data protection 

The United Nations Foundations uses secure systems to ensure the protection of your sensitive data. Please review the privacy policies below. 

United Nations Foundation Privacy Policy


Below is the primary contact we have on file for banking information. 

*If this is not correct, please contact the United Nations Foundation to modify. 

Stage 2

This could be the organization you work for, or your legal business name if you are an independent contractor.
This should be the official address of your Organization.

If you worked with the United Nations Foundation independent of your Organization or LLC (for Consultants and Contractors) please select Personal Address.

The legal name of your company or organization goes here

This should be your residence address.

Stage 3

Please confirm or enter your Bank Address Details.

Enter your account number or IBAN number provided by your bank

Stage 3

That's Alright!

We can help! An intermediary bank is a bank that acts on behalf of a sender or receiver bank to help with the conversion between currencies when making international transfers.

Most of the time your bank will only need information about the receiver's intermediary bank, but sometimes both are required. 
If you have received international wire transfers in the past without the use of an intermediary bank, you likely do not need one and can select "No" in the question above.

If you are still unsure, your bank should be able to provide you with this information if you don't already have it. 

Intermediary Bank Information                     

Intermediary Bank #2 Information                         

(Optional) Intermediary Bank Instructions

Sometimes your bank will provide you with written instructions on intermediary bank information. This can help us reference any additional information needed when sending your money via wire transfer.

Stage 4

Ready to Submit!

Please click Review & Submit to review this information before sending it to the United Nations Foundation for verification and processing.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your United Nations Foundation contact.