HealthierHere Community Hub Partner Interest Survey

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HealthierHere is looking for a diverse group of organizations to become MTP 2.0 Community Hub partners ready for service delivery by July 2024. This includes a group of case management partners who can provide a minimum of 40 total FTE of community health workers/case managers/care coordinators to deliver case management services. This survey will help HealthierHere learn more about potential case management partners and assess their interest, characteristics, and readiness.

The results of this survey will inform the formation of our first cohort of Hub partners based on best fit. Best fit will be determined by an organization’s readiness for service delivery by July 2024, as well as our ability to assemble a group of organizations best prepared to serve underserved communities in King County based on culture, language, geography, and services offered.

This survey will also develop HealthierHere’s understanding of the current care coordination landscape in King County and some initial gaps/needs to inform our future outreach and engagement efforts for future cohorts of case management partners. Even if you are not interested in joining the Hub by July 1 we encourage you to complete the survey so we can learn more about your organization, the communities you serve, and the gaps you see. 

There will be three primary ways to partner with HealthierHere’s Community Hub:

1.   Case management partners – contract with HealthierHere to receive client referrals and provide case management services in accordance with HealthierHere Community Hub expectations and requirements.

2.    Health Related Social Needs (HRSN) Benefit Providers – contract with HealthierHere to receive reimbursement for eligible HRSN services for eligible Medicaid clients.

3.   Referral Partners – agencies who refer clients to the Hub for services and/or accept referrals from the Hub’s case management partners to provide HRSN services based on available resources.

Organizations not interested or not eligible to become a Community Hub partner by July 2024 will have opportunities to partner with the Hub in the future. We encourage you to complete the survey either way to help with our gap analysis. We are accepting surveys on a rolling basis.

If you indicate you would like to become a Community Hub partner in one of the 3 options listed above, submitting this survey indicates your interest and is not a commitment. HealthierHere will follow up with your organization to further discuss your interest and readiness and/or to clarify any details submitted in this survey.

We encourage you to review materials on our webpage that introduce HealthierHere’s forthcoming Community Hub (webinar, FAQ) before completing this survey if you have not already.

Closing date:

Surveys are accepted on a rolling basis for future cohorts of Hub partners beyond July 1, 2024. As you work on completing the survey, feel free to save your responses and return to them at any time prior to submission. 

For specific questions as you are completing the survey, please reach out to 
Organization Information

2. Primary contact for Community Hub engagement

Case Management

For HealthierHere's Community Hub, case management refers to a set of activities intended to support clients in meeting their HRSN needs. This includes conducting needs assessments, collaborative goal setting, making referrals for services, and follow-up to ensure needs are met and client goals are achieved. Case management is sometimes used interchangeably with care coordination, care management, or navigation. Collectively, these activities will be referred to as ‘case management’ for the remainder of this survey.

A note about HRSNs:

HRSNs are an individual’s unmet, adverse social needs that contribute to poor health and result from their community’s underlying social determinants of health (SDoH). Through the Community Hub, the Washington State Health Care Authority will designate eligible HRSN benefits that can be paid for for eligible Medicaid clients. Details regarding eligible HRSN benefits are forthcoming. 

Populations Served

Regions in King County
4. Estimate the percentage of your client population served by race/ethnicity:
< 10% 11 - 25% 26 - 50% 51 - 75% > 75%

7. Is your organization particularly well positioned to serve any of the following hard-to-reach populations or populations experiencing significant health disparities? 

Well positioned refers to specialized training for a population of focus, staff with lived experience, and/or robust programming, services, or referral relationships for serving these populations. 

Service Provision & Expertise

Other Organizational Characteristics

  1. The Community Hub will be supported by HealthierHere’s Connect2 Community Network (C2CN), a community information exchange. Case management partners will adopt Connect2 Coordinator as their CMS for Hub work and will also have the option of integrating their existing native technology system over time.

  2. Integrating your existing technology system means engaging in a formal data mapping process to allow your technology platform to communicate with the exchange. With the appropriate permissions, this can result in the ability to receive client data from the exchange into your system, send client data from your system into the exchange, or both. This capability allows you to complete program work in your existing technology system and to communicate and exchange data with others without leaving your native system.