24-25  San Francisco Education Fund Volunteer Application for Mindfulness Program

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the San Francisco Education Fund for the 2024-25 school year as a Mindfulness Volunteer through our Mindful Arts SF Program. Mindfulness practices are known to help students improve their focus and attention and reduce anxiety and stress.  Volunteers are needed now more than ever!

Curious about the impact you could make on students, teachers and schools? Watch this inspiring video about our Mindfulness program.

How the Ed Fund defines a Mindfulness Volunteer: Volunteers lead weekly Mindfulness sessions for elementary school students, using a specialized curriculum. Volunteers wil volunteer in a minimum of two classrooms for at least one hour a week. Learn more about the Mindful Arts SF Program here

Please answer the following preliminary screening questions to access the Volunteer Application. All current volunteer opportunities are in person. 

Thank you for your interest becoming a school volunteer. Your responses indicate this may not be the right volunteer opportunity for you at this time. If you have any questions, please contact our Senior Coordinator for Volunteer Engagement at volunteer@sfedfund.org or 628 345-2604.  

Contact Information

Please let us know who we can contact in case of an emergency:
Required for background check. Must be 18 years or older.

Our goal is to assemble a diverse team of school volunteers that reflects the demographics of SFUSD’s student population. Knowing who our volunteers are helps us work toward that goal.

In order to be fully cleared to volunteer, volunteers will need to share two references with us. Once you submit this application, references are emailed a quick form to fill out on your behalf. Please alert your references to look out for an email from "volunteer@sfedfund.org". 

Reference #1:
 Must be someone other than family and someone you have known for at least one year. Please let them know that they will be contact at the listed email address.
Enter number ONLY. E.g: For 2 years enter as 2 or for 2.5 years please round it off to the nearest whole number. E.g: 3

Reference #2:
Must be someone other than family and someone you have known for at least one year. Please let your reference know that they will be contacted at the listed email address.
Enter number ONLY. E.g: For 2 years enter as 2 or for 2.5 years please round it off to the nearest whole number. E.g: 3
Criminal Background & Media Release
Volunteer Code of Conduct
As a Volunteer, I WILL:

  • Bring a positive and enthusiastic attitude when working with students.
  • Share in the belief that all students have the ability to achieve & recognize young people as partners.
  • Demonstrate patience with challenges & be respectful of a student's abilities.
  • Always be a role model in actions, words and dress.
  • Respect school/classroom rules, policies and cultures.
  • Only go to the school on scheduled days and sign in at the main office
  • Arrive on time for each session & notify the Program Coordinator and/or teacher in advance about absences or tardiness.
  • Spend scheduled time with the students doing site-approved and/or assigned activities.
  • Use only bathroom facilities approved for adults.
 As a Volunteer, I WILL NOT:
  • Communicate with the youth outside of the volunteer relationship.
  • Engage in any activities not appropriate for a school site including but not limited to, using inappropriate language, espousing political or religious beliefs, and being under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances when volunteering. 
  • Use electronic devices (cell phones) while in the school.
  • Photograph a student or disclose, use, or disseminate any photographs or personal information about a student or school staff.
  • Distribute gifts or food to my student unless I have enough for the whole class and have received prior permission from the teacher.
  • Discipline a student. All disciplinary action should be taken by school staff.
  • Remove a student from a designated area within the school or transport a student in an vehicle without clearance from directly from the school district. The San Francisco Education Fund does not provide clearance or coverage for this activity. 

San Francisco Education Fund Policies

  • Attend a training, provide required documentation, and clear a fingerprint background check and TB screening
  • Volunteer my services through the Education Fund. I understand that I am not an employee of the organization, that my volunteerism is "at-will" and as such may be terminated at any time without cause or advanced notice. 
  • Volunteer at least one hour per week for a minimum of one school year. 
  • Volunteer under the direction and supervision of certified SFUSD personnel at all times. 
  • Behave appropriately with students including maintaining appropriate physical boundaries at all times, and never purposefully endanger a student. 
  • Regard all information received in the performance of my volunteer work for the Education Fund as confidential. 
  • Pass on knowledge or a suspicion of student abuse to an appropriate SFUSD and Education Fund staff member(s).

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