Employment Services - Warehouse Ready Application

Warehouse Ready Application

Warehouse Ready by WINS provides training and work experience to enable individuals to find and maintain employment within the warehouse industry. It is a client-centered program that seeks to address and support the holistic needs of the individual. Our intent is to provide experiential learning that fosters personal empowerment and values based on professional development through classroom and on the job training that will lead to work and life success!

Warehouse Ready is a 6-week program:

  • 4 weeks of in-class instruction and warehouse training
    • Monday to Friday
    • 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
  • 2 weeks of work internship at WINS Donation Centre
    • 60 hours must be completed within this time frame


NOTE: Participants are expected to attend and complete the 6 weeks in order to obtain their Certificate of Completion.


Intake Details

Personal Information


Warehouse Requirements


Employment History

Essential Skills
Assess your proficiency levels in the following areas:

Tell Us Your Story

Contact Information