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Office of the Governor Public Safety Office (PSO)

Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP) Pass-through Grant

Grants to Sexual Assault Programs to provide Counseling Services 
to Survivors of Sexual Violence 
SASP Grant Questions FY 2025

This is a competitive grant with specific eligibility requirements. TAASA expects to fund approximately 3-5 applicants (award amounts are subject to the application review process, scoring, available funding, and demonstrated need).  TAASA cannot assist with writing a grant or provide pre-assessment of grant proposals.  For questions on this funding opportunity, contact TAASA’s support team at sasp@taasa.org or call 512-785-8645.

Organizational Information
Provide information for the main office of your organization and if applicable your organization’s DBA or another name used by your agency.
Main Business Line
Main Business Email

Grant Officials
Title First Name Last Name Phone Email

Title First Name Last Name Phone Email

Title First Name Last Name Phone Email

Title First Name Last Name Phone Email
Eligibility - Applicants must meet all the criteria below to be eligible for this grant. 

Grant Vendor Information
Please enter in format of ##-#######.
At the end of the application, before submission, your authorized official will be required to certify the organization’s compliance with the following:
Use of Funds
Grantee agrees to use these funds to provide counseling services to primarily adult survivors of sexual assault that was assaulted by someone other than a family or household member; however, projects can include services to teens/young adults (14-17), particularly survivors in underserved populations. Exception – these funds can be used to serve a survivor who was assaulted by a family or household member if the survivor seeks services for a sexual assault and the survivor does not qualify for services under Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) family violence program. Domestic violence services unrelated to the sexual assault cannot be provided with these funds. 
Texas Grant Management Standards
Grantee assures that it will follow the guidelines in the Texas Grant Management Standards (TxGMS) which can be found at https://comptroller.texas.gov/purchasing/grant-management/.
Federal Assurances
Grantee assures compliance with all federal/state statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements, including but not limited to 2 CFR, Part 200 which can be found at https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-2/subtitle-A/chapter-II/part-200?toc=1.
Recipients of these funds must comply with applicable federal civil rights laws, which among other things, prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability and national origin. Compliance with these laws includes taking reasonable steps to ensure that persons who are limited in their English proficiency because of their national origin have meaningful access to recipients’ programs and activities. Recipients are also responsible for ensuring that their programs and activities are readily accessible to individuals with disabilities, including those with physical or cognitive disabilities, as well as individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing.
Activities that Compromise Victim Safety and Recovery
Applicant agrees not to engage in activities that jeopardize victim safety, deter or prevent physical or emotional healing for victims, or allow offenders to escape responsibility for their actions.
Applicable to all grants - Texas Administrative Code (TAC)
The TAC includes regulations issued by the State of Texas. Title I, Part I, Chapter 3 of the TAC specifically applies to PSO and can be accessed at:  https://texreg.sos.state.tx.us/public/readtac$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=4&ti=1&pt=1&ch=3. HSGD has adopted these rules by reference.
Applicable to grants from a federal fund source - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements
Found in the Code of Federal Regulations, these rules were issued by the White House Office of Management and Budget. PSO adopts these rules for all federally funded grants. Throughout the Guide to Grants, these rules are referred to as 2 CFR 200.
Annual Single Audit
If grantee, within Grantee’s fiscal year, expends at least $1,000,000 in federal funds awarded, Grantee shall have a single audit or program-specific audit in accordance with 2 CFR 200. The federal threshold amount includes federal funds passed through by way of state agency awards. If Grantee, within Grantee’s fiscal year, expends at least $1,000,000 in state funds awarded, Grantee shall have a single audit or program-specific audit in accordance with TxGMS. The audit must be conducted by an independent certified public accountant and in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Government Auditing Standards, and TxGMS. Each Grantee that does not meet the expenditure threshold for a single audit or program specific audit, must provide financial statements for the audit period.
Civil Rights Liaison
A civil rights liaison who will serve as the grantee's civil rights point of contact and who will be responsible for ensuring that the grantee meets all applicable civil rights requirements must be designated. The designee will act as the grantee's liaison in civil rights matters with PSO and with the federal Office of Justice Programs. Grantee agrees to provide the name of the Civil Rights Liaison in the application.
Community Efforts
Applicant agrees to promote community efforts to aid crime victims. Applicants should promote, within the community, coordinated public and private efforts to aid crime victims. Coordination efforts qualify an organization to receive these funds but are not activities that can be supported with these funds.
Confidentiality and Privacy
Applicant agrees to maintain the confidentiality of client-counselor information and research data, as required by state and federal law. Personally identifying information or individual information collected in connection with services requested, utilized, or denied may not be disclosed; or reveal individual client information without informed, written, reasonably time-limited consent of the person about whom information is sought. If release of information is compelled by statutory or court mandate, reasonable attempts to provide notice to victims affected by the disclosure of information will be made and steps necessary to protect the privacy and safety of the persons affected by the release of information will be taken.
Criminal Charges
In connection with the prosecution of any misdemeanor or felony domestic violence offense, the victim may not bear the costs associated with the filing of criminal charges against a domestic violence offender, issuance or service of a warrant, or witness subpoena.
Criminal History Reporting
Entities receiving funds from PSO must be in a county that has an average of 90% or above on both adult and juvenile dispositions entered into the computerized criminal history database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) as directed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 66. The disposition completeness percentage is defined as the percentage of arrest charges a county reports to DPS for which a disposition has been subsequently reported and entered into the computerized criminal history system.
Culturally Competent Victim Restoration
Applicants agree to promote collaboration and coordination among local service systems that involve multiple disciplines and support a seamless delivery of a continuum of services that focus on each individual’s return to full physical, mental, and emotional health while incorporating an emphasis on cultural competency in underserved populations. MOUs between Sexual Assault/Dual DV/Multi victim service programs with culturally specific/ community-based groups is a great example of a partnership that would provide adequate coverage of sexual assault services and/or innovative healing therapies. For more information and clarification contact TAASA’s Collective Healing Initiative at collectivehealing@taasa.org or Annette Burrhus-Clay, Grant Manager at sasp@taasa.org.
Applicant agrees not to discriminate against victims because they disagree with the State's prosecution of the criminal case.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Grantee represents and warrants its compliance with all applicable duly enacted state and federal laws governing equal employment opportunities.
Federal Funding and Transparency Act
Pursuant to 2 CFR 170.100, Grantee agrees that if they are required to complete the FFATA certification, they will contact TAASA to provide this information. Exceptions (2 CFR 170,110), none of the requirements regarding reporting names and total compensation of a non-Federal entity's five most highly compensated executives apply unless in the non-Federal entity's preceding fiscal year, it received:
  • (i) 80 percent or more of its annual gross revenue in Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts) and Federal financial assistance awards subject to the Transparency Act, as defined in 2 CFR 170.320 (and subawards); and
  • (ii) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenue from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts) and Federal financial assistance awards subject to the Transparency Act, as defined at 2 CFR 170.320; and
  • (iii) The public does not have access to information about the compensation of senior executives, unless otherwise publicly available, through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
Immigration Legal Services
PSO prioritizes funding projects that provide a full spectrum of counseling, crisis services, and other direct victim services. PSO will not fund projects that focus primarily on immigration legal services and do not provide a significant level of other types of victim services.
Lobbying Prohibition
Grantee represents and warrants that payment to Grantee and Grantee’s receipt of appropriated or other funds, under this grant or any related Solicitation are not prohibited by Sections 556.005, 556.0055, or 556.008 of the Texas Government Code (relating to use of appropriated money or state funds to employ or pay lobbyists, lobbying expenses, or influence legislation).
Grantee agrees to permit on-site monitoring visits and desk reviews, as deemed necessary by HHSC or TAASA to review all financial or other records and management control systems relevant to the provision of services under this grant.
No Charge
Applicant agrees to provide grant-funded services at no charge to victims of crime. Applicants are also prohibited from billing Crime Victims Compensation, private insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare for services provided using SASP funds.
Offender Firearm Prohibition
The applicant certifies that its judicial administrative policies and practices include notification to domestic violence offenders of the requirements delineated in section 18 USC § 992(g)(8) and (g)(9).
Polygraph Testing Prohibition
A peace officer or attorney representing the state may not require an adult or child victim of an alleged sex offense to submit to a polygraph examination or other truth telling device as a condition for proceeding with the investigation of such an offense. In addition, the refusal of a victim to submit to a polygraph or other truth telling examination will not prevent the investigation, charging, or prosecution of an alleged sex offense or on the basis of the results of a polygraph examination.
Population of Focus
Grantee certifies that the funds will be used to provide services to the population of focus as defined in the Funding Announcement. The Grantee further certifies that the funds will not be used for domestic violence, child abuse, or human trafficking services.
Protection Orders
Victims applying for a protective order or their attorney may not bear the costs associated with the filing of an order of protection.
Requirement for Participating in Services
In alignment with 45 CFR 1370.10(b)(10), the receipt of supportive services shall be voluntary. No requirement for participating in services may be imposed by the Grantee. The receipt of services cannot be conditioned on participation in other services including but not limited to counseling, life skills training, substance use disorder treatment, specific legal remedies, etc.
Return of Grant Funds (in the event of loss or misuse)
Grantee agrees that in the event of loss or misuse of these funds, grantee will return the funds to TAASA.
Suspension and Debarment
Grantee certifies that it and its principals are not suspended or debarred from doing business with the state or federal government as listed on the State of Texas Debarred Vendor List maintained by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts and the System for Award Management (SAM) maintained by the General Services Administration. This certification is made pursuant to the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549 and Executive Order 12689, Debarment and Suspension, 2 CFR Part 376, and any relevant regulations promulgated by the Department or Agency funding this project.
Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)
Eligible applicants operating a law enforcement agency must be current on reporting complete UCR data and the Texas specific reporting mandated by 411.042 TGC, to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for inclusion in the annual Crime in Texas (CIT) publication. To be considered eligible for funding, applicants must have submitted a full twelve months of accurate data to DPS for the most recent calendar year by the deadline(s) established by DPS. Due to the importance of timely reporting, applicants are required to submit complete and accurate UCR data, as well as the Texas-mandated reporting, on a no less than monthly basis and respond promptly to requests from DPS related to the data submitted.
Violence Against Women Act Non-Discrimination Provision
Prohibits grantees from excluding, denying benefits to, or discriminating against any person on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identify, sexual orientation, or disability in any program or activity funded in whole or in part by OVW.
Project Details

The purpose of this offering is to provide counseling services, licensed and non-licensed, to primarily adult survivors of sexual assault that were assaulted by someone other than a family or household member.

Exception – these funds can be used to serve a survivor who was assaulted by a family or household member if the survivor seeks services for a sexual assault and the survivor does not qualify for services under Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) family violence program.  Domestic violence services unrelated to the sexual assault cannot be provided with these funds.

The Application consists of the following:

  • The total amount requested for FY 2025
  • A Project Narrative
  • A Work Plan and detailed Budget
  • A Budget Request and high-level Project Summary for Year 2
  • Financial Questions
  • Upload Section – where you will upload the following required documents:
  1. Resolution of Governing Body 
  2. Job Descriptions 
  3. Your organization’s Office of the Attorney General Sexual Assault Training Program Certification certificate (file format pdf) or your organization’s Office of the Attorney General Sexual Assault Training Program Certification application with proof of submission (file format pdf).  
  4. Work Plan and a Budget (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025)

        Application Questions
        Must be between 35,000 - 60,000 (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025).
        Please enter a number (without decimals). No commas please.
        Project Narrative (All narrative questions are limited to 2,500 characters.)
        Answer these questions they are related to providing counseling services to adult survivors of sexual violence. 
        2. In which Texas County(ies) will the project be implemented?
        Select only the county(ies) this project will be implemented in.  Do not select all counties your organization serves.
        Select all that apply. Use CLICK + CTRL (PC) | CMD (Mac) to select multiple.

        Work Plan and Budget

        15. Complete Work Plan and Budget

        All applicants must complete a Work Plan and Budget using the template which can be found here: https://taasa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/SASP-Application-Budget-and-Work-Plan-Counseling-Services-Grant.xlsx. A link to the template can also be found in the Application Instructions.  The Excel document template includes both the Work Plan and the Budget. Before submitting the application, you will be asked to upload these documents.

        Before completing the Work Plan Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the eligible activities listed in the Funding Announcement to ensure the activities listed in the Work Plan align with those allowed under this grant.  


        Before completing the Budget, Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Funding Announcement which lists ineligible expenses.  


        Important Notes:

        • The focus on this grant is on increasing counseling services provided to sexual violence survivors by either contracting with or partially funding organizational positions for licensed counselors, counseling interns, non-licensed and peer counselors, or culturally-affirming/appropriate services or non-traditional therapy practitioners.
        • Administrative expenses - (directors, executive directors, CEO, CFO, etc.) as well as rent, utilities, insurance, accounting, or other overhead costs cannot exceed 10% of your total grant award.
        • Travel and training costs – must relate to the direct services for grantees and cannot exceed 15% of your total grant award. Travel and training costs can be used for professional development. 

        Financial Questions
        The following questions are related to your organization’s ability to track actual, allowable, and allocable costs incurred for this grant.
        Accounting System
        Grantees must incorporate an accounting system that will track direct and indirect costs for the organization (general ledger) as well as direct and indirect costs by project (project ledger).  Grantees must establish a time and effort system to track personnel costs by project.  This should be reported on an hourly basis, or in increments of an hour.
        Financial Capability
        Grantees should prepare annual financial statements. At a minimum, current internal balance sheets and income statements are required. A balance sheet is a statement of financial position for a grant organization disclosing assets, liabilities, and retained earnings at a given point in time. An income statement is a summary of revenue and expenses for a grantee during a fiscal year.
        Budgetary Controls
        Grantees should establish a system to track expenditures against budget and/or funded amounts.

        22. Are there budgetary controls in effect (e.g., comparison of budget with actual expenditures on a monthly basis) to prevent drawing down grant funds in excess of:
        Internal Controls
        Grantees must safeguard cash receipts, disbursements, and ensure a segregation of duties exist. For example, one person should not have authorization to sign checks and make deposits.

        Upload Documents

        Resolution of the Governing Body
        Please upload the signed Resolution of the Governing Body document. A sample resolution can be accessed at: https://taasa.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Sample-Resolution-of-Governing-Body.doc
        (File Format: doc, docx, pdf)

        Job Descriptions
        Please provide job descriptions for all positions requested on the budget. (File Format: doc, docx, pdf)

        Upload your organization’s Office of the Attorney General Sexual Assault Training Program Certification certificate (file format pdf) or your organization’s Office of the Attorney General Sexual Assault Training Program Certification application with proof of submission (file format pdf). 

        Upload a Work Plan and a Budget (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025) using the Excel Document template. The Work Plan and Budget are combined into one Excel document and should be uploaded as one document (file format: Excel). A link to the Work Plan/Budget template is provided under those sections of this application and in the Application Instructions document.

        Project Activities Information

        This section contains questions about your project. It is very important for applicants to review their funding announcement for guidance on expectations for grant fund usage and activities. Unless otherwise specified, answers should be about the EXPECTED activities to occur during the project period.
        Percentage of Time Allocated to Specific Activities
        Provide the percentage of time that you expect to allocate for each of the following activity categories.  Provide a brief description of these activities .  All allowable activities under this grant fall under one of these two broad categories.  The percentage must equal 100%.   Additional guidance:  1) category 1 is for counseling to include individual and group therapy provided by a licensed professional; 2) category 2 is for counseling to include individual and group therapy provided by a ­non-licensed professional.

        Description of Activities Percent of Time Allocated to this Activity
        1) Counseling, Therapy, or Other Care Performed by a Licensed Professional
        2) Counseling, Therapy, or Other Care Performed by a Non-Licensed Professional
        Targets for Output Measures

        Please provide the target levels for all of the following Output Measures that your organization plans to conduct using these funds.  If you do not plan to conduct a specific activity, enter a 0.  Target levels are an estimate of how many individuals or hours you plan to provide each service using these funds as indicated under each activity.  The activity categories listed below are taken directly from reports that TAASA and SASP grantees will have to complete for SASP grant state and federal funders. The activities listed are broader than what is allowable under this grant.

        For the purposes of this grant, please report targets for counseling provided by non-licensed professionals under categories that start with “Casework, non-licensed counseling, individual advocacy, or other support.” 

        Report on target numbers for referrals to other agencies and victims assisted with sexual assault safety plans only when performed in connection with counseling services.

        Civil Rights Liaison
        Applicants must identify a civil rights liaison who will serve as the grantee's civil rights point of contact and who will be responsible for ensuring that the grantee meets all applicable civil rights requirements. The designee will act as the grantee's liaison in civil rights matters with CJD and with the federal Office of Justice Programs.
        Authorized Official Signature
        I attest that the information contained in this Application and all documents submitted with the application are true and accurate. I further attest that I have reviewed and understand the requirements/certifications of this grant and I certify the organization’s compliance. 
        After you are satisfied with the information you entered, hit the Submit button which will submit your application to TAASA.

        Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA)
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